Summary of Report Generator
1. To create custom reports, login to the Vanco Service Center and click on Electronic Funds Transfer > Reports > Report Generator.
2. From the drop-down menu, select one of the following report types:
a. ACH Deposit Recap: Lists daily deposit totals (by fund) from individuals’ checking and savings accounts that Vanco has made to your financial institution account. This report should be reconciled to your financial institution statement to verify that all deposit amounts are correct.
b. Active Customers: Lists all Customers added to the system that are not on hold or cancelled.
c. Active Transactions: Lists all transactions scheduled to process.
d. Canceled Customers: Lists all Customers that have been canceled and the date on which they were canceled.
e. Credit Card Refunds: Lists all Credit Card Refunds that have been given back to your customers for the date range specified.
f. Chargebacks: Lists all Merchant Services Chargebacks received for the date range specified. A chargeback occurs when a customer disputes the credit card transaction.
g. Credits: Lists all ACH (checking and savings account) Credits that have been given back to your customers for the date range specified.
h. Daily Activity: Lists all adds, edits, and deletes made on the current date.
i. Daily Processing: Lists all transactions that were processed on a given day, as well as any returns or credit card declines along with a reason code. The date range can be changed for monthly summaries.
j. Expired Credit Cards: Lists all customers with credit cards that have an expiration date that has affected a past transaction or will affect a scheduled transaction.
k. MS Deposit Recap: Lists daily deposit totals by fund from credit card transactions Vanco has made to your financial institution account. This report should be reconciled to your financial institution statement to verify that all deposit amounts are correct.
l. Notification of Changes: Lists all changes that have been made to a Customer’s financial institution account information.
m. On Hold Customers: Lists all Customers that are currently on hold.
n. Projected Future Transactions: Lists the expected future transaction totals.
o. Returns: Lists all transactions returned by individuals’ financial institution and the reason for the return.
p. Transaction Origin: Lists what product was used for each individual transaction.
3. Customize the report by selecting one or more of the variables listed.
a. To view activity for an individual Customer, enter the Customer ID and/or Customer Name.
b. To view the activity of all Customers, leave the Customer ID and Customer Name fields blank.
c. Report Format
HTML: For on-screen viewing and printing.
CSV: For creating a data file
XLSX: For Excel formatted, when available. Not all reports are available in XLSX but the CSV version can be converted to XLSX.
4. Click on the View button to view the customized report.